Women, particularly young women of color, are critical to driving social and policy change.

As movement makers and activators, our voices have the power to shape – and shake up – the landscape when it comes to the issues that matter most to our lives. From quality, affordable child care to access to paid family and medical leave; from accessible, legal abortion care to safety from gender-based violence – these are the policies that express our values and form the foundations of our daily life.

That’s why YWCA USA conducts the YWomenVote survey during federal election years to learn what women are most concerned about and the policies we hope to see our elected leaders prioritize. And that’s why we work to support robust non-partisan civic engagement – from voter registration to educating voters about the issues at stake in the policy arena, we are all in to Get Out the Vote in 2024.

Are you a YWCA Local Association planning to engage in GOTV this year?

Need to know more about voting in your community? Our partners at VOTE411 have the details